Copyright and Trademark Law

All content on our site, including, without limitation, text, news, graphics, photographs, illustrations, images, oevkams, services and generally any type of file is copyrighted and subject to national and international intellectual property laws, except those expressly stated recognized rights of others. Therefore, any duplication, publication, reproduction, storage, sale, transfer, distribution, publication, performance, loading (download) », translated or altered in any way is expressly prohibited without the prior express written consent of the recipient.

Exceptionally, the individual parts store and copy content on a personal computer for personal use without the intention of commercial or otherwise use and is always subject to designate the origin of the origin, without affecting in any way the assignment of copyright. What else in the pages of our website and registered trademarks and the intellectual property of others belongs to their respective companies and has nothing to do with our website.

The copyright in the material contained on this site belongs to us or its Licensors. The material may only be used for that person's own personal use for non commercial purposes.

Obligations visitors/users

The visitor / user of our website must first comply with the rules and regulations of German, European and international law and the laws of telecommunications, and refrain from any illegal and improper use of content and services of our website. He must also behave in a decent and bad manner during his visit and use of our website, and expressly prohibits the acceptance of practices or other unfair competition contrary to Netiquette (Code of Conduct User Internet). In the event of damage arising on our website or in general from the unauthorized use of such services by the visitor / user at their own risk.

Limitation of liability

The recipient, without warrant and therefore not liable for, pay the utmost effort to ensure that the information and content provided about the maximum accuracy, clarity, timeliness, completeness, accuracy and availability. Under no circumstances, including negligence, any liability of the recipient for any damages incurred by the visitor / user due to this use of our website.
The information and services provided are "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied, which expressly disclaims all warranties, including merchantability or fitness.
The recipient in no way guarantees uninterrupted and error-free services and content, including the absence of a virus, whether its website or any other website or server through which you receive the content.

"Links" to other websites

Our website is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers through links, hyperlinks or banner ads, or to ensure its availability. Problems may arise when visiting / using the websites to which we link solely the responsibility of the respective sites where they should be obtained. Reference to other websites are for the convenience of our users and in no way creates any kind of commitment to anyone.

E-Mail Service

E-mail service from our website is for the users/visitors want, provided, after filling out a form with all the relevant personal information required and other optional as they want, and only then. Thus, recipients entered data from the e-mail service (eg newsletters, press releases, etc.), without in any way that they gesc registered intellectual property, which in any case violates relevant UK legislation and international conventions.

Booking and purchases terms

For persons who are resident in the European Union, the applicable booking and purchase conditions are those which appear on the relevant product pages and you must read these before confirming your booking or purchase. Residents of other countries must identify themselves as such at the time of booking or purchase and ascertain whether the booking or purchase will be accepted from their country of residence and the conditions applicable to their booking or purchase. All bookings and purchases are also subject to the general information appearing in our current On-line brochure and product descriptions . We recommend you print a copy of our applicable booking conditions and this additional information together with all other relevant details relating to your chosen holiday or travel arrangements prior to making a booking with us.

Our booking and purchase conditions contain limitations and exclusions of our liability to any person(s) who books and/or takes any of our holidays and/or travel arrangements. Cancellation and amendment charges are payable if a booking or other purchase is cancelled or amended after it has been confirmed.

Price policy

The information and/or prices shown on this Web Site are updated from time to time and therefore may have changed by the time you come to book your holiday or travel arrangements. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all such information and prices, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen holiday or travel arrangements (including the price) at the time of booking.

Foreclosure advice

Everything is intended for users/visitors to our site is in no way, directly or indirectly, to promote advice or support an act, but in the discretion of users to evaluate what they receive received based on their own will, without our own responsibility.

Access to this Web Site is conditional on your agreement that all information contained in it and all matters which arise between you and us will be governed by English law. Access is further conditional on your agreement that any dispute or matter which arises between you and us will be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only to the exclusion of the Courts of any other country.

No promises and/or representations of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the accuracy of any of the information contained on this Web Site or as to the nature, standard, suitability or otherwise of any services offered by us or on our behalf. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect, consequential or other) which may arise as a result, directly or indirectly, from the use of any of the information or material contained in this Web Site and/or use of or access to any other information or material via web links from this site or any inability to access or use this Web Site. These exclusions of liability apply only to the extent permitted by law and, except for information or material accessed via Web Sites or supplied by an identified Third Party, where consistent with our applicable booking conditions. If any of these exclusions, in whole or part, is found to be unlawful, void or for any other reason unenforceable, that exclusion or part of the exclusion shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other exclusion(s) or part(s) of the exclusion(s) in question.

Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, we are entitled to the benefit of any applicable exclusions and/or limitations of liability permitted by the laws of any country found to be applicable to the information shown on this Web Site and/or any services offered by us or on our behalf.